We had the opportunity to round up some questions that have been asked our customers, we passed those to Nylenda and Danny to get their answers.
How did the idea for Barkclad come about?
Danny Heatherly the owner came from a long legacy of timber and forestry. He was harvesting timber and when the idea of modern bark siding manufacturing was birthed from Bud Phillips in NC , he caught on to the idea also. He believed in the sustainability of the timber industry. Instead of wasting the bark on the trees, already being cut for the furniture industry, there was a beautiful design in using tree bark for siding shingles. Actually, it is the newest look in siding in over 35 years …And the story of BARKCLAD began and has grown into a leader in the siding industry.
Was your dream always to be in the forestry industry?
Danny’s Dad was forester and many in his lineage worked in the sawmills and timber harvest for 100’s of years,
How has this industry changed over the life of your business?
Wow the industry has evolved in many ways to become more efficient but the hands on harvest of bark from the forest is never changing, each piece of bark is handled 7 times before it gets packaged for shipment..
What are some challenges that your business faces that some people may not realize?
One good Challenge is the growing demand and we embrace that with excitement as our sales map continues to grow across the US. You have two main lines Traditional Bark Siding and Faux Bark Siding known as SmartBark.
The Bark Siding looks extremely labor-intensive, can you tell us about that process?
The process is very labor intensive as there is no other way than full hands on labor to harvest and procure the bark siding. The prep and dry kiln process takes the longest and then the final stage is to cut and package ready to ship.
How did the idea for your SmartBark line come about?
As we were traveling from a trade show back in 2005. We asked the question to ourselves…why everyone could not have bark siding as the inventory is so limited in the natural bark siding. So we came up with the idea of engineered bark siding. We since then began Research and Development and since 2008 been awarded multiple patents and more to come..
Your products are featured in some amazing homes, can you tell us about some of your favorite or unique projects?
We have so many it is hard to pick as each home large and small are our favorites.. we have bark siding in some great commercial projects like NOC center in Gatlinburg TN, Bass Pro, and numerous retail areas.. Also prominent developments across the nation. Hunting lodges are very big and now the modern design is adding bark siding for a more texture soft look to go along with the clean lines in design..
What advice would you give someone who is looking to start a career in the forestry industry?
We suggest great schools like WCU forestry program and other trade schools that offer forestry education.
Your products are extremely popular here in the North Carolina area and the South, have you noticed the trend for these Modern Rustic Homes growing in other areas?
Yes absolutely the modern rustic design spans from farmhouse to rustic lodge and that goes from the California to Maine. So nationwide is our scope of sales area.
Are your products just an exterior product?
No, we offer interior natural bark siding and that market is very poplar also. Wine Cellars, Stairways. Trim and full wall in the interior grade.
If someone was interested in your Traditional Bark Siding or your Faux SmartBark Bark Siding, how would they get in contact with you?
We are available by phone, by email and our website has a contact form to reach us. Our Sales Team is available to answer your questions and can help you decide what design will fit best for our project